It is my pleasure welcoming you here.
On this page you will find my service offers in terms of nutrition (science) and health related topics. As a nutrition scientist (Diplom-Oecotrophologin), I want to move things forward, to contribute to healthy and future-oriented food products and pass on science-based nutrition information to different target groups. I mainly support (health) professionals.
Are you looking, for example, for scientific support in the product development of health ingredients, functional food, nutraceuticals, dietary supplements or a nutrition and health related topic in general as part of your work in industry? Would you like to communicate new research results to your customers in an easy-to-understand marketing message? Then you are exactly right here.
I also enjoy communicating nutritional topics to other health professions – it`s a matter of my heart. Do you have another project in the field of nutrition and health? Wonderful, you may also feel invited to benefit from my nutrition expertise for example as a cooperation, as an external opinion or through an update on a specific topic.
Existing and new nutritional knowledge can make your product / your work even healthier and more successful!
I am happy to support you!
Literature Research and Evaluation and more
Monitoring of publications and more
Support of your personal resources
Profit from a different point of view
Stay up-to-date & learn
I am a highly motivated, passionate person who loves to work at the interface of science and practical application. Based on my professional experiences and my current trainings, I am able to dive quickly into different nutritional topics. Furthermore, I have gained first experiences with presentations for health care professionals in nutrition und brain health related topics.
My overall goal is to support or advice people with science and evidenced based nutritional information in a way that they can feel and recognize a clear added value in their individual field of expertise (and potentially for themselves).
My guiding values include a scientifically sound and reputable way of working. Depending on the duties, I also have a closer focus on the market and the profitably. The needs and satisfaction of customers as well as product neutrality outside the industrial environment are high priorities for me. My creativity comes into play, for example, in presentations/trainings because they should not only give the participants technical input but also be fun.
Study of Nutrition Science and Home economics (Diplom-Oecotrophologie) with focus on nutrition science; Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn (Germany)
Sauerborn Nutrition & Health Solution (Ueken, Schweiz) Providing (scientific) support in nutrition and health related topics mainly to the B2B Business
Selection of responsibilities
Selection of responsibilities
Selection of responsibilities.
German Society of Nutrition e.V. (Bonn, Germany)
Berufsverband Oecotrophologie e.V. (VDOE) Germany
2023 | Nutrition in the field of the industry / international research
In nutrition and dietetics (selection)
Other Topics (selection)
2022 | Nutrition in the field of the industry / international research (selection)
In nutrition and dietetics
Live Webcasts / presentations for example about Omega-3 fatty acids in different health areas |
2021 | Nutrition in the field of the industry / international research (selection)
In nutrition and dietetics
A lot of Live Webcasts / presentations for example regarding Omega-3 fatty acids, laboratory values, Nutrition Research |
2020 | Nutrition in the field of the industry / international research (selection)
In nutrition and dietetics (with certificate)
Live Webcasts / presentations for example baby and infant nutrition, omega-3 fatty acids in different health areas |
2018-2019 |
2017 |
2016 |
Do you need more information?
Please feel free to contact me for a non-binding, free conversation.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.